Christian Values
Our key set of Christian values are:

These values form the way that we live our lives. We have an overarching value focus for each half term, although other values will be discussed and learnt about as appropriate.
The chidlren and staff in school can verbalise how to live the Christian values out in their everyday lives. Examples of living out these values can be seen below:
Friendship - " We treat others how we want to be treated ourselves" "We know that everyone can be good at different things" "Everyone is unique and different" "God created everyone differently" "We can show friendship to each other"
Truthfulness - "We should tell the truth" "We should be honest if something has gone wrong" "You should try to make the right choices" "You can be truthful with your words and with your actions"
Thankfulness - "We are thankful for the food we have to eat and give thanks at Harvest time" "We are thankful for the farmers who grow the food" "We are thankful for the world and everything in it" "We are thankful for the creation of the world"
Courage - "We should show courage and persevere, even when it is difficult" "You can worry and be nervous but if you try and show courage you can succeed" "Sometimes you need courage to make the right choice or to say if you did something" "I can show courage by tring new things"
Forgiveness - "When someone says sorry you can forgive them" "We can forgive people when they make mistakes" "Jesus forgave those who betrayed him at Easter" "We can forgive ourselves if we make a mistake"
Generosity - "We show generosity to the Food Bank by donating food" "We can be generous by sharing" "We can show generosity with our time by helping someone" "We can share our toys with each other"
As part of our celebration worship on a Friday, we celebrate the children who have been 'caught showing values'. Both adults and children can nominate a child to be mentioned due to the values they have demonstrated.