Phonics and reading - Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Activities to support your child's reading and phonics development can be found on this page.
When your child is practising their phonics skills and using phonics to read words in books, it is really important that the sounds are pronounced correctly. The video at the bottom of this page will model this for you.
You can also find information regarding how phonics and early reading are taught at school through our curriculum web pages.
It is really important that children are read to, as well as hearing the children read themselves, so please keep reading your child stories. Also remember that your child can also read real books, leaflets, comics, recipe books and many other things. They do not have to limit their reading to school books only and all this other reading can also be put into their reading diaries.
There is also useful information for parents regarding children's reading on the Oxford Owl webpage. Little Wandle, which is the scheme we use to teach phonics and reading, also have a webpage and a YouTube channel, detailing how parents can support reading and phonics. Happy reading!