Religious Education and World Views

At Leamington Hastings C of E Academy, we use a blend of Understanding Christianity and the Local Agreed Syllabus to teach Religious Education and world views. We have a two year rolling program in place due to the mixed age classes in school. The plan below details theh units covered and the trips and visitors that may be used to enhance the curriculum content.
Within our R.E. curriculum, starting in the Early Years, children are introduced to the Persona dolls of Imran, Grace, Samit and Hannah, representing world views from the Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu faiths.
Within our R.E. curriculum in KS1, we use enquiry lens characters to support children's knowledge and understanding.
As part of our planned curriculum, we hold half termly 'Passport to World Views' days that take place across the school. This provides opportunties for children to learn about a range of faiths and cultures, enhancing the learning from their weekly R.E. lesson and building an understanding of the diverse world in which we live. There is a three year rolling program in place, so that children have the opportuntity to learn about a wide range of religions and their festivals.