Computing, including online safety - Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Computing is a key part of our curriculum. We use the program Purple Mash as part of our computing curriculum, and children can access this from home if they wish to. It provides a safe space to access curriculum content and games both from a computing perspective and across the curriculum. If your child can not remember their login details, please speak to their class teacher who can provide these for you.
Children can practise their computing skills using Blocky and ScratchJnr.
Develop computing skills with BBC Bitesize.
An important part of the computing curriculum is e-safety, where children learn how to keep themselves safe when using digital devices. Specific key stage activities can be found in the pages below. There are also some stories about keeping safe online which can be used with all year groups. Further stories can be found as part of our Internet Safety page.