Spelling, punctuation and grammar - Year 1 and Year 2
Children in KS1 (Years 1 and 2) learn to use spelling, punctuation and grammar within their writing.
At the end of KS1, children are assessed on the following elements:
- Sentence grammar - through identifying and writing sentences that are grammatically correct.
- Punctuation - through identifying and writing sentences that are correctly punctuated.
- Vocabulary - through identifying and writing sentences in which a word is used correctly.
- Spelling - through word lists such as common exception words and spelling patterns.
Children learn to use different spelling rules throughout their time in Key Stage One. The spellings that the children learn can be found in appendix 1 of the English National Curriculum: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/239784/English_Appendix_1_-_Spelling.pdf
Punctuation and Grammar
The children need to know the meanings of the follow terms and use them in their writing:
Adjective - a describing word e.g. red, large or tiny.
Apostrophe - in KS1 the children need to use a singular possessive apostrophe e.g. Tom's car.
Capital letters - to use a capital letter at the start of a sentence, for the name of a person, the day of the week and months of the year.
Comma - the children need to use commas in a list and commas between adjectives e.g. the large, red ball.
Compound word - a new word made from 2 smaller words e.g. class + room = classroom.
Conjunction - a word that joins parts of a sentence together e.g. and, but, so, because, when, if, then and or. It was raining but we still went outside to play.
Consonant - The letters that are not vowels. You need to use your tongue or lips to say them.
Continuous verb - a verb that is currently happening.
Contraction - A new word that has been formed by putting 2 words together, a letter or some letters have been taken away and replaced with an apostrophe. E.g. do + not = don't
Exclamation - Something that is said loudly, with a strong emotion or with emphasis.
Exclamation mark - A punctuation mark that is used at the end of an exclamation - !
Exclamatory sentence - a sentence that begins with what or how, contains a verb and ends in an exclamation mark e.g. What a lovely day it is! How beautiful you are!
Finger spaces of an appropriate size between words
Full stop - A punctuation mark used at the end of a sentence.
Imperative verb - A very that tells you what to do (bossy) e.g. put, bake, slide or sit.
Noun - The name of a person, place or thing. E.g. Tom, London or pencil.
Past tense - A way to write verbs, showing that something has happened in the past e.g. played, threw, jumped or swam.
Phoneme - A unit of sound when we speak e.g. ai. Words are made up of phonemes - rock has 3 phonemes - r/o/ck.
Plural - A plural is more than one, you add the letter s or es to a noun to show that it is plural e.g. foxes, buses, pencils or computers.
Present tense - A way to write verbs, showing that something is happening now e.g. jumping, speaking, thinking or skipping.
Question - A sentence that asks something. It will always end in a question mark.
Question mark - A type of punctuation that shows a question is being asked - ?
Singular - Only one thing e.g. computer, pencil, table or chair.
Statement - A sentence that gives you information and ends in a full stop.
Suffix - letters that you put at the end of a root word to make a new word e.g. play + ing = playing.
Verb - A word that describes an action.
Vowel -The letters A, E, I, O and U. You do not need to use your tongue or lips to say them.
Use ICT games to rehearse your skills.