Leamington Hastings

Church of England Academy

Sowing the seeds of a lifetime love of learning in a caring Christian community

Plant, Grow, Flourish!

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Extra-curricular Clubs

We have lots of extra-curricular clubs on offer, which take place at the end of the school day. This is in addition to the wrap around care option, details of which can be found on the Early Birds and Wise Owls page. 



Our Rocksteady club is a paid for music club. Children take part in 30 minute music lessons on a Tuesday afternoon, the timings of these are cycled within the term so that children do not always miss the same lesson. If you would like your child to join this club, please contact the school office. More information regarding Ready, Steady, Rock! can be found here.




Gardening Club


Gardening Club runs from February half term to October half term.Our aim is to make gardening fun whilst teaching the children about plants and the growing process as well maintaining the schools outdoor environment.

Gardening club is available for children from reception to year two and is allocated on a first come first served basis. If your child has been unsuccessful in gaining a place they will be placed on a waiting list and given priority next half term. 

Each term we try and grow things to share with the whole school. Over the last year we have grown; raspberries, black currents, potatoes, runner beans, lettuce, tomatoes and apples and 600 hundred spring bulbs !

We have also grown flowers from seeds, for our entry in the ‘Rugby in Bloom’ schools competition which we enter annually.

If you would like to join Gardening Club please speak to the office; there is a small weekly fee to attend this club.




Sports Clubs


Reception, Y1 and Y2


Sports Club runs from 3.15 – 4.15 on Thursdays and Fridays after school and is offered free of charge. Each child can attend one of these clubs per week if they wish to. We offer a wide range of sports, varying the activities on offer half termly in order to allow the children to experience as many different sports as possible.


If you would like your child to attend, please contact the office for further information. 





Art and Craft Club

Art club takes place during one lunchtime per week. Children have made decorations, created projects and used different types of art materials. It is free of charge, with 8 children able to attend each half term. Places are available on a first come first served basis with children who are unable to attend placed on a waiting list. 



Cookery club

Once a term we have a popular cookery club that takes place after school, run by one of our Teaching Assistants. 

