Leamington Hastings

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Handwriting and fine motor skills - Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

We teach our children to form their letters in letter families, which can be seen below. Until the end of Year 1, the children are taught to form letters by starting at the top of each letter. When children start to learn to join their handwriting in Year 2, we move to a cursive script where every lowercase letter starts on the line. Nursery children carry out fine motor and pencil control activities to develop their muscle strength ready for writing.


Letter formation taught until the end of Year 1







Letter formation taught from Year 2






We also provide children with tasks to develop their fine motor skills such as cutting and threading. 


Children develop their pencil grip as they move throughout the school. The document below shows the different types of pencil grips that are appropriate for each age group:


Twinkl parents have many sheets that can be used to develop handwriting skills across the year groups. 
