Behaviour and restorative practice
We have a full restorative approach to behaviour, resolving conflict, taking ownership of behaviours and building self-regulation skills.
We have three school rules:
• Ready to learn
• Safe behaviours
• Respect (for ourselves, for others, for property and the world in which we live)
These rules are underpinned by the routines of:
• Fantastic walking (walking around school with a quiet or silent voice)
• Amazing line ups (standing sensibly and facing the right way in silence)
• Clean corridors and classrooms (items away and on pegs)
• Superb sitting (sat cross legged, lips closed, facing the teacher / board and hands in lap, folded or by the side of the child)
Each class has a ‘recognition board’. One specific learning behaviour, rule or routine will be the focus of a period of time determined by the class teacher (hour, lesson, morning, afternoon, day or week). The aim is that by the end of the period of time all children have had their name placed on the board, focusing on teamwork and collaboration. There are a full range of individual rewards on offer, which can be found in a previous week’s ‘Spotlight’, in our Relationships and Behaviour Policy or are listed within each newsletter.
The graphic below details the sanctions within our policy.
During a restorative conversation, children will be asked the following questions, asking all children involved the same questions:
• What happened?
• What were you thinking or feeling?
• How are you feeling now?
• Who has been affected by what has happened? In what way have they been affected?
• What can you do differently next time?
• What can you do to make things right?
Visual clues may be used to support children when taking part in restorative conversations.

Our full relationships and behvaiour policy can be found on the policies page.