Admissions - Joining the school or nursery
We are a small village school with a family feel, and are delighted that you are considering sending your child to our school.
Children can join the school nursery from the term in which they turn three. Whilst many of our children start their education with us from nursery age, some children join us at the start of reception in the academic year in which they turn five, or during other year groups.
All admissions into nursery are dealt with directly by the school - please contact the school office via .
All admissions from reception onwards, including in year admissions, are dealt with via Warwickshire Local Authority admissions service (see further down this page)
Starting nursery or school can be an exciting time for children and parents, but we also recognise that it can be a little daunting. The BBC provides parents with information regarding starting school:, as does Oxford Owl
When children join our school we offer settling sessions so that the parents and children can become familiar with the class teacher and the classroom environment. When children start nursery or reception, the class teacher will carry out a home visit or a visit to the child's current nursery (parental choice) so that the child has seen the teacher in their own setting. This also allows us to get to know your child in their own environment where they are relaxed and confident.
We also provide booklets to parents to support them when their child starts nursery or reception, providing them with information about the school. These can be found below.
New parents welcome booklet main school
Our '360' video below allows you to see inside some of the school classrooms and outside environments. Use the arrows at the top left of the video to view different areas of the school. If you are viewing this on a mobile phone, the video should react to you changing the angle of your phone.
You can use these booklets to help you prepare your child prior to joining Reception or Nursery.
This document outlines sets of skills that can be worked on to prepare children for starting in Reception.
Warwickshire County Council have published some information related to starting school
Warwickshire admissions process
All applications for school places at Leamington Hastings CofE Academy, including in-year admissions, are made via Warwickshire School Admissions Service, their contact details are:
01926 742037 or 01926 742047
Following the Warwickshire deadlines, school places are allocated according to our admissions policy which can be downloaded from our policies page. This specifies the school’s priority area, published admissions number (PAN) and oversubscription criteria.
If you would like to arrange a visit to look around the academy to visit the nursery or school, please contact the academy office on 01926 632359 or email
We would be delighted to show you around!