Pupil leadership
We have a range of pupil leadership roles, allowing children to have a voice in improving and devloping different areas across the school. These leadership roles are decided through a class or school vote, an example of democracy in action.
Leadership roles available are:
School Council
We have a school council which contains 2 children from each year group who are voted for by their class. The school council recently took the lead in the development of the playground area, selecting new playground markings and a buddy bench.
Eco warriers
These children are voted in by their class and ensure that the lights are turned off in rooms where they are not being used, and that we recycle as much as we can.
Prayer Leaders
These children are voted in by their class and help to lead and develop collective worship in school. They have recently helped to design and develop a new outdoor reflection area.
Playground leaders
These children have been voted in by their class. They help to ensure that everyone has a friend to play with at playtimes and lunchtimes, along with supporting adults to lead active games on the playground.
Library monitors
These children help to keep the library well organised throughout the wek.
Health and Safety monitors
The children support on health and safety walks, and help to make sure that everything is kept safe within school.