End of Key Stage 1 assessments (SATs)
From the academic year 2023/24, end of KS1 SATs are no longer statutory. However, as these are an indicator of end of key stage attainment, we will still carry these out in a relaxed way at the end of June or beginning or July.
The SATs are presented to children as a 'special booklet' to be completed. During dates selected by the school, children take part in a maths arithmetic paper, a maths reasoning paper, a spelling paper, two reading papers and a paper focusing on grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. These are completed in a quiet room within the school and are spaced out over the course of several weeks. The papers will be carried out in usual everyday working conditions, including the use of mathematical equipment.
The class teacher will consider the level of work in your child's everyday school books, along with the test outcome, before reaching an end of key stage judgement. The child is then assessed to be working towards the expected level, at the expected level or working at greater depth for reading, maths and GPaS (grammar, punctuation and spelling). Some children may be assessed at working at pre key stage level if they have been unable to demonstrate their understanding at a key stage 1 level; children at pre key stage level will not take part in the SATs.
These end of key stage levels will be shared with you in your child's end of year school report, along with assessments of other curriculum subjects.
The following video and documents, produced by the Standards and Testing Agency, provides information for parents about these assessments. However, please note that these materials were produced when SATs were a statutory process.
National curriculum tests (SATs) at key stage 1.mp4

Mrs Marson was an experienced moderator for Warwickshire County Council at Key Stage 1, carrying out moderation of schools for ten years. This means that our teachers are supported to make accurate judgements against national expectations.
If you have any further questions about the SATs or end of year expectations, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child's class teacher.