The policies listed below relate specifically to this academy, for policies that apply to all academies in the Multi Academy Trust, please click on this link:
Admissions and attendance
For Admissions policies from 2024-25 onwards and appeals hearing dates see Trust Wide Policies page linked above
- collective worship policy feb 2022.pdf
- Early Years Foundation Stage Policy 2020.pdf
- Homework policy September 2022.pdf
- PSHE including Relationships & health education April 2023.pdf
- RE and Worldviews policy September 2022.pdf
- Remote education plan Leamington Hastings January 2021 .pdf
- statement of ethos and values Feb 2022.pdf
- Teaching Learning and Curriculum Policy December 2022.pdf
- The promotion of British Values at LHA.pdf
- The promotion of SMSC at LHA.pdf