Leamington Hastings

Church of England Academy

Sowing the seeds of a lifetime love of learning in a caring Christian community

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Nationally published data

At the end of each academic year, the following data is reported nationally:

  • Early Years Foundation Stage Profile
  • Year 1 phonics check
  • Year 2 SATs


The most recent nationally published data for the school can be found below:

National data, Summer 2022


Early Years Foundation Stage Profile

Total number of eligible children: 11

Number of children achieving a Good Level of Development: 8


Percentage of children achieving a Good Level of Development:

SchoolNational (last pubsihed data summer 2019)


Year 1 phonics screening check

Total number of eligible children: 11

Number of children achieving the required standard: 10


Percentage of children achieving the required standard:

SchoolNational (Last published data summer 2019)


Key Stage 1 SATS tests

Total number of eligible children: 12


Nunmber of children who achieved the expected standard or greater depth in each subject:

 Expected standard +Greater depth 
Maths 92


The percentage of children achieving expected standard or greater depth in each subject:

 Expected + schoolExpected + national (last national data summer 2019)Greater depth schoolGreater depth national (last national data summer 2019)


Year 2 phonics screening (Cumulative from year 1 check and year 2 re-check for a small number of children)

Total number of eligible children: 12

Number of children achieving the required standard: 11


Percentage of children achieving the required standard:

SchoolNational (Last published data summer 2019)


You can view information on all schools held by the Department for Education here.

Click here to view the information held about Leamington Hastings C of E Academy. 
