Leamington Hastings

Church of England Academy

Sowing the seeds of a lifetime love of learning in a caring Christian community

Plant, Grow, Flourish!

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School Day

The information below provides timings for a typical day at school.



Children can attend 'Early birds' breakfast club any time from 7:45 AM. Children must be booked in to attend these sessions in advance. 


A typical school day is 8:45am - 3:15pm (32.5 hours per week).


There are members of staff on the playground from 8:30 AM. All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 can be left on the playground free of charge from this time. Nursery children must be accompanied by an adult until the bell is rung. 



The bell rings at 8:45 AM. The children line up in their year groups and walk into school. This is the start of the school day. 


All children in school have lunch at 12:10pm. 



The school day ends at 3:15 PM. 


'Wise Owls' after school club runs from 3:15 PM until 6 PM. There are also a wide variety of extra-curricular clubs that run throughout the week. Children must be booked into these clubs in advance. 



