Leamington Hastings

Church of England Academy

Sowing the seeds of a lifetime love of learning in a caring Christian community

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Personal, Social and Health Education, including Relationships Education

Personal, Social & Health Education is delivered to each year group weekly using the 'Jigsaw' scheme of work. Jigsaw’s philosophy starts by building positive self-image, a sense of identity and a healthy relationship with self, and from that starting point helps children grow healthy relationships with others. Jigsaw embraces not only physical health but has a strong focus on mental health and emotional literacy throughout, and empowers children to be aware of their own thoughts and feelings and know how to manage and regulate these.

There are 6 key themes, A different key theme is explored each half term across the school.

  • Being Me In My World
  • Celebrating Difference
  • Dreams & Goals
  • Healthy Me
  • Relationships
  • Changing Me


As children are taught in mixed age classes, there is a two year rolling program in place for the KS1 children. Children are taught the age 5-6 content one year and the age 6 - 7 content the next. 

The information below details how Jigsaw covers the relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education requirements as outlined by the Department for Education. The relevant policy can be fonud on the policies page of the website. 
