Leamington Hastings

Church of England Academy

Sowing the seeds of a lifetime love of learning in a caring Christian community

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Friends of Leamington Hastings

The Friends of Leamington Hastings are an active group of parents who organise events to raise money for the school. Each year, the Friends support the school by funding or partially funding trips and visits for the children, such as providing the coach for the annual theatre trip.


In recent years, funding raised from events have made a contribution towards the cost of refurbishing the playground, a contribution towards a large climbing frame, purchased a large amount of books for the school library and supported the development of the outdoor classroom in the Early Years. Current fundraising events are supporting the updating of ICT equipment and software that the children use within school, along with purchasing new equipment to support ICT in the early years such as coding toys. 


Friends meetings are held online via Microsoft Teams in the evenings, the dates and links to the meetings can always be found in the school newsletters. Feel free to attend a meeting to see how you can get involved! If you cannot attend a meeting but are keen to help out with events during the school day, or would like to run a fundraising event for the school, please get in touch via the school office. 


The Chair of the Friends, Mel Bailey, can be contacted via melanie.bailey@leamingtonhastings.covmat.org 


Events arranged annually include a Christmas fair, a wreath making workshop, a summer fair, a quiz night, a pumpkin party, a break the rules day and an Easter egg hunt. 


Additional events arranged over recent years or planned for the future include a fundraising ball, a gin tasting night and a wine and cheese tasting event. 


The follwing parents make up the current Friends committee:

Chair: Mel Bailey (melanie.bailey@leamingtonhastings.covmat.org)

Vice Chair: Jo Combes

Secretary: Ellie Harris

Treasurer: Sam Bailey

With other parents carrying out supportive roles. 
