Leamington Hastings

Church of England Academy

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Mental Health and Zones of Regulation

At Leamington Hastings C of E Academy, we recognise the importance of promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing to our children and their families. We aim to create an open culture around the discussion of mental health and wellbeing and to empower our children be able to regulate their emotions.


We have two Mental Health First Aiders in school - Suzanne Marson and Ally Morton. As a school, we work with the Warwickshire Mental Health in Schools Team. More information about them can be found out here.


By implementing the Zones of Regulation curriculum as part of our approach to mental health, we aim to teach our pupils to identify emotions in themselves and others and provide them with bank of strategies to help regulate their emotions and improve their wellbeing.

The Zones of Regulation helps children to develop skills in the area of self-regulation. Self-regulation can go by many names, such as self-control, self-management and impulse control. It is defined as the best state of alertness of both the body and emotions for the specific situation. For example, when children take part in sporting activities, it is    beneficial to have a higher state of alertness. However, that same state would not be appropriate when working  quietly to complete an individual learning task.

The Zones of Regulation is a curriculum based around the use of four colours to help children self-identify how they’re feeling, and categorise it based on colour. The children are taught that there are no ‘bad’ emotions, and that all emotions are felt by everyone at some time. The children learn different strategies to cope with and manage their emotions, based on which colour zone they’re in. Additionally, paired with our restorative practice approach, the Zones of Regulation helps children to recognise their own emotional triggers, learn to read facial expressions, develop problem-solving skills and become more attuned to how their actions affect other people.


Where can parents seek mental health support?


We are always happy to support children and their families with mental health; please contact the school office who can arrange an appointment with a relevant member of staff. We are also able to signpost you to the following places:


RISE (CAMHS) has a wealth of information for parents on their website, including details of free information sessions for Warwickshire parents and carers. Workshops such as supporting sensory needs, managing anxiety and managing emotions are offered on a regular basis. 


The RISE Dimensions Tool is a free tool designed to provide information about self care, local services and support. It can also provide a downloadable report for you which you can use to discuss with school and wider professionals should you wish to.


Connect for Health, the Warwickshire school nursing service, supports children and their families. A referral can be made from school or the GP, or parents can self refer using the contact details on the webpage. 


Warwickshire offer many free courses to support families, which can be booked via their Event Brite page. 


Coventry and Warwickshire Mind can also offer mental health support for children and their families, including drop in services and community autism support. 


Young Minds has a lot of information about mental health for both children and their families on their website. 


Mental health support can also be sought from Place2Be, MindEd and Every Mind Matters

Bereavement Support


Support can be put into place as a bespoke basis in school; please contact a senior member of staff who will be able to discuss this with you. We work with both Guy's Gift and Winston's Wish, and can make referrals to these organisations alongside referrals to RISE. 


We can also signpost you to Child Bereavement UK
